Caithness Renewables Ltd, based in Thurso, supports the growth of renewable energy
by offering the following:
- For all businesses and groups - Circular Economy advice, energy efficiency review,
waste prevention, funding applications, business plans
- For developers - Project development (EIA/ planning/consenting)
- For developers – Community engagement (public exhibitions, displays, newsletters)
- For enterprise agencies – Supply chain/ skills initiatives including business diversification,
one-to-one business advice
- For local authorities, social housing providers and businesses – Energy advice,
renewable energy systems, funding, energy saving
- For renewable energy businesses – Acting as agent for external organisations in
conjunction with Renewables @ No.10 services such as telephone answering, external
nameplate and mail handling.
Caithness Renewables Ltd is also working on several community initiatives and welcomes
hearing from any organisation interested in:
- Community empowerment
- Community benefit
- Skills and training for young people and those up skilling/retraining
- Business development
Our equal opportunities policy makes clear our organisation's commitment to equal
opportunities, non-discriminatory procedures and practices.
Equal opportunities is applied to all aspects of our work including:
- Recruitment including any advertisements and contracts of employment
- Training
- Promotional activity such as advertisements, literature such as leaflets and brochures,
the company
- website
- In-house documents available to employees such as the quality system